to raise a child.. Have you heard of the saying "It takes a village to raise a child."? It's kind of like that, just a little different.
Most of you know that Hubby and I are in the middle of adopting a baby from Ethiopia. This is one of the most exciting times for us, but it has been somewhat difficult. We have been in the process for over 1 1/2 years, and we still have about 10 months left on the waiting list (give or take a few months). Besides all of the paperwork and intense process to get on the list, it is unbelievably expensive to adopt a baby. So while 10 months seems like so far away, it really gives us the time we need to get it together.
So here I am...on a vagina crusade!! With each vagina on the table up at ELDO we are that much closer to getting our baby. I work to get this child. It is my motivation. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do, but sometimes I feel like I cannot wax not one more vagina, and then the call comes in, and I will make sure to fit my client in..
So I basically need every vagina in Boulder up on the table so we can get our baby!! So, as the new saying goes, It Takes A Village...of raise a child!
P.S. When hubby read this...he said "You don't only wax vaginas"...duly noted.